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Readers’ Alert—new book titles for review!

WIP still has funds from our “Readers Review” grant. Each month we publish a list of books (see right column). If you’d like to be considered to review one of them, email us and put BOOK REVIEW in the subject line. We will buy the book (or reimburse you if you buy it) and pay $50 if the review is accepted. See the review of Mirage of Police Reform on page 10.

We run a review each month with a maximum length of 750 words. We currently have no reviews scheduled, so if any of these books looks interesting, let us know. Or propose a book yourself.

The Sum of Us—Heather McGhee (how racism allowed public goods to be replaced by private benefit)

Sometimes You Have to Lie: The Life and Times of Louise Fitzhugh, Renegade Author of Harriet the Spy, Leslie Brody (about Fitzhugh’s masterpiece and her hidden life as a lesbian).

When Machines Can Be Judge, Jury and Executioner: Justice in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Katherine B. Forrest (how current AI tools are inconsistent with fairness and justice).

One Person, No Vote: How Voter Suppression is Destroying our Democracy, Carol Anderson (all-too-current events on the electoral front).

Bring the War Home—Kathleen Belew (white power movement & militias)

BOOK REVIEW: If you were walking by your favorite independent…