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Syd Locke for the People: A Campaign for Basic Rights For All To Thrive

Syd Locke is running for the Washington State House of Representatives in Legislative District 22. Eleanor Steinhagen – a mother, worker, 20-year Olympia resident, and supporter of the campaign – sat down with him to talk about his priorities and experience ahead of voting in the August 6th primary. 

Why did you decide to run?

I never wanted to run for office, but I decided to run because there wasn’t a single Washington state legislator who introduced legislation opposing the bombing and starvation of the Palestinian people in Gaza. Despite large peace rallies, countless emails and calls, and people driving from all over the state to meet with their legislators and plead for them to speak out against the slaughter, no bill or resolution was introduced during the legislative session on the issue.

In February, Senator Patty Murray came to Olympia and met with 57 House Democratic Caucus members. Afterwards I asked one of the legislators if Senator Murray had mentioned Gaza, or if anyone had asked her about it. The legislator said no. For about an hour, I was just stunned. That’s when I started thinking seriously about running.

I’m also running because I believe that we need to build an inclusive, anti-racist society with an economy that is based on meeting people’s needs, not on maximizing profits. I am anti-capitalist. Corporate capitalism is destroying lives and the environment in the relentless pursuit of profits. We need to transition to a whole new system immediately. For decades climate scientists have been telling us that we’re running out of time and we need a new system now. Are there enough voters who agree with the science and will vote for a socialist? I think there are, but they need to vote. Getting active in an organization, like Palestine Action South Sound and DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) will amplify your impact. If you’re reading this interview and agree with what I’m saying, please consider joining our campaign to get a socialist elected to the Washington state Legislature – and then stick around to help us fight for policies that will shift power from the capitalist class to the working class.

What distinguishes you from other candidates?

I don’t take corporate campaign contributions for one, and I’m a democratic socialist, so I bring a different vision and approach to public policy. I bring 30 years of experience as a Senior Legislative Assistant for Democratic legislators, and I will fight for health care, housing, education, higher education and all the other things that people need to thrive – not just survive – as human rights – not expensive commodities that many cannot afford.

Take health care, for instance. I support the universal, single-payer system put forward by Whole Washington. It’s called the Washington Health Trust. It would be a state-wide, publicly financed, not-for-profit healthcare system. It would save Washington consumers and businesses about $9 billion per year, provide much better coverage and simplify our health system. So even though most people want universal health care, the bill never even gets a hearing because the health insurance industry has a lot of influence on our elected officials.

If you get elected, what top three issues will you address in the first six months?

I will introduce a Senate Joint Memorial that calls on the President and Congress to work for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, stop funding Israel’s military, and support a peace process that complies with international law. If the US stops funding Israel, the killing will stop and Israel will likely come to the negotiating table. If we keep funding Israel, the genocide will continue. I will also introduce legislation to divest state funds from companies that are profiting from the genocide.

Second, I will sponsor and mobilize supporters to fight for universal, single-payer health care legislation that’s sponsored by Whole Washington. It’s drafted and ready to go.

Third, I will sponsor a bill that will raise the state minimum wage to $22 per hour and have it indexed to inflation.  Low-wage workers have a difficult time just keeping a roof over their heads so they need a raise that will provide meaningful help. They will have a little more money in their pockets so they will be able to spend money at our local businesses and spur the economy.

It is hard to keep it to three issues. I also want to sponsor a wealth tax on the ultra-rich, fully fund our schools, invest in social and affordable housing, expand public power utilities, and make college free.

It’s clear you’re running an unconventional campaign, with a very progressive platform. How do you see your priorities/platform being achieved?

It has to be people-powered. We need more people involved, informed, and organized if we are going to make change. The capitalist corporations have the money, but we have many more people.

Can you give an example of a cause you were involved in that this type of movement building and mass pressure have made change?

I’m involved with Olympia for All (O4A), and we were recently able to pass a rent stabilization and tenant protection ordinance through the Olympia City Council. O4A is a coalition of organizations, such as labor and tenant unions, the League of Women Voters, and the Olympia chapter of DSA, the Democratic Socialists of America. I am an active member of Olympia DSA. O4A and DSA were the key organizations that got the city council to pass the ordinance.

How can people find you and get involved? 

Visit our website,, follow @sydlocke4thepeople on Instagram and Syd Locke for WA House LD22 on Facebook, or email the campaign at We’d love to hear from you.


  1. Peter Bohmer July 22, 2024

    Excellent explanation of motivation for running and Syd’s priorities when he wins.

  2. Ann M Vandeman, PhD, CPA July 30, 2024

    I will definitely be voting for Syd! I am endorsing him, and I encourage others who agree with his aspirations and plans for legislation to do so as well.

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