Trying for another bite of the apple. Last month, WIP reported that the lawyer for the City of Olympia was asking the Growth Management Board to “reconsider” its rejection of the new “Missing Middle” ordinance. The GMHB denied the request, chiding the lawyer for trying to get “a second bite of the apple” by relying on evidence that hadn’t been submitted in the first place—among other failures. Still, the city hopes it can reverse the Board’s decision on another basis: they paid a lobbyist to push successfully for the legislature to pass a law preventing citizens from appealing city zoning actions that increase density. If you can’t win on the merits, deny citizens the right to participate.
Good news for the Vet’s Café. We wrote about the Veteran’s Ecological Trade Collective in August. The same month, they raised $10,000 in contributions for an all-new 120 acre farm in Rochester—to begin production in 2020.
Remember the Dakota Access Pipeline? In 2016, we covered the months of resistance against this major pipeline led by Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.against massed agents of the state. There was joy when the Corps of Engineers denied the permit for Energy Transfer to blast a route for the pipeline under the Missouri River. But Donald Trump wasted no time in putting the government’s weight behind the company—which has now asked to double the volume of oil flowing under the river and the tribe’s water supply.
So the tribe is once again forced to challenge the government—but their action does not end there. Three miles from the Dakota Access Pipeline, the tribe unveiled a solar project. The project pays tribute to those who fought against the pipeline’s placement on sacred tribal land, and also takes a meaningful step towards achieving energy independence and a clean energy future. The solar project will eventually power all 12 reservation communities in North and South Dakota.
This is just starting to happen…to the 5-G juggernaut we covered in our July and August issue. It turns out that the powerful radio-frequency ranges and microwave radiation necessary for the 5G roll-out are so disruptive to weather forecasting that the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA) will no longer be able to predict major storm trajectories, intensity and other vital data. The Navy, NASA, the American Meteorological Society and NOAA have raised the alarm with the FCC. The FCC’s answer—echoed by telecommunications companies—is that these agencies are all somehow suffering from a form of scientific delusion. If you can’t win on the merits, call your critics crazy?
Correction: In the July issue of WIP we published an excerpt from Dave Jette’s book A Reformulation of Dialectical Materialism and said that it is available online. Actually, the 100-page book can be obtained from for $5 paperback and $19 hardcover.