We ran out of license plates! So many prisoners were released early (Covid) that there aren’t enough left to work the license-plate production lines. Beginning July 31, the Dept. of Corrections “increased staffing”?? and outsourced production to prisons in other states.
Another loss for a public voice. A Superior Court judge denied OlyEcoSystem’s opportunity to argue that a full environmental review should have come before the City Council signed a 15-year contract with developers of West Bay Yards. WBY, a 460-unit “urban village” proposed on the shore of Budd Inlet.
Housing the homeless in under-used hotels “has positive outcomes.” That’s the finding in a report from the UW. Too bad Mayor Selby didn’t see the report before she labeled as “domestic terrorists” the folks asking to use the old Governor House hotel for a temporary homeless shelter last March.
Once–decent jobs are being chipped away as Providence Centralia looks to squeeze more work out of medical technicians trying to get their first contract. (If only the employees had the clout of developer Ron Newman who wrote his own contract for West Bay Yards—signed by the City Council without a peep.)
Show me your papers! If you’re taking the bus from Portland to Olympia you better have “documentation.” Customs and Border Police can stop and board buses without a warrant anywhere in the “100-mile border zone” to “ask” for proof of citizenship. Maybe those folks who define “freedom” as the right not to wear a mask could turn their attention to the right to travel free of fear of the authorities.