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Readers’ Alert!

WIP has received a grant designated for including book reviews in 2021. How will it work?

Each month we’ll publish a list of books we’d like to see reviewed. If you’re interested in reading and writing a review of one of the books, contact us at We will buy the book and pay $50 if the review is accepted. (See the review of United States of Distraction on page 13 of this issue.)

We plan to run one review each month, with a maximum length of 750 words. Contact WIP if you’d like to be considered to review one of the following books. Please put BOOK REVIEW in the subject line.

Women who Rock—Evelyn McDonnell

Before Trans—Rachel Msch

Homewreckers—Aaron Glantz

Caste—Isabel Wilkerson

Deep River—Karl Marlantis (a novel)

Once you’ve walked the streets of your neighborhood more times…