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Posts published in “–”

Overhaul the tax code to support free childcare

Not having stable child care is a losing situation for families, communities and the nation. A lack of social investment in child care and early education limits future achievement for kids and opportunities for mothers. The coronavirus epidemic has dramatically changed the face of child care in Washington State, but also offers clues for repairing a steadily worsening system.

Revisar el código fiscal

Revisar el código fiscal y garantizar el cuidado infantil gratis para la clase trabajadora, mujeres pobres y inmigrantes Sin el cuidado estable de niños, se crea una situación en la donde las familias, las comunidades y la nación van a salir perdiendo. Una falta de inversión social en el cuidado…

A teacher to Latinx immigrants wonders who “we” is

Since the onset of COVID-19, the slogan “We are all in this together” has been heard everywhere. But who is the “we” that is meant? Who is included and who is ignored? Whose life, health and safety are prioritized? Who is allowed to sicken and die? What are the implications…

Local students undeterred by coronavirus

We are juniors at Olympia High School. After hearing about people suffering both directly and indirectly from the coronavirus last December, we felt driven to help. Students Against Coronavirus is a project under a student organization we created called “AI Benefit Projects.” Getting official approval to expand the project We…

Community Spotlight — June 2020

World BEYOND War * TESC's Pandemic Academy * The Chrysalis Project * Boldly Creating the World We Want * Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons * Hummingbird Solar Project

Then This Happened — June 2020

Last month, WIP printed a photo of Father Leahy offering “curbside confessions” in Olympia. Then this happened:  others have followed Leahy’s lead.....

About this Issue — May 2020 — Another world is possible

Life on Earth and this nation cannot continue in this way. The prospect of four more years of Trump hovers over us like a bad omen, threatening all life. This calamitous prediction not only presages the future to come, but is also directly connected to the policies of the past and the present.

Then this happened…

Olympia planners told developer Jerry Mahan he has to comply with city requirements, even though he has a powerful attorney and a lot of influential backers. Our February and March issues detailed how Mahan attorney Heather Burgess demanded that the city “timely complete” its review...

Fox News sued for calling coronavirus a hoax

Who’s afraid of the big, bad Fox? Open government watchdog and advocate, Arthur West and his local group, WASHLITE (Washington League for Transparency and Ethics) have gained international media coverage for a lawsuit filed against Fox News and Rupert Murdoch for their repeated labeling of the COVID–19 virus a “hoax”.…

In Wisconsin the aim was to limit who voted

Dateline April 9: Tuesday was a nightmare in Milwaukee. Due to the lack of poll workers—most being elderly—and with the high number of COVID–19 cases spiking the city, polling places were canceled in droves. Neil Albrecht, Director of the City of Milwaukee Election Commission, could set up only 5 polling sites that met the CDC guidelines.

“Housing Options Plan” would gentrify older, modest neighborhoods

Olympia’s Planning and Development Department has decided that its new Housing Options Plan will have no significant impact on our environment and our neighborhoods. The plan prescribes new duplexes, triplexes, and apartments, along with larger and taller ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units, a.k.a. “back-yard cottages”), along with relief from parking, on-site…