World BEYOND War’s Divestment 101 offers online instruction for running a campaign to defund weapons manufacturers. In five videos covering the why, what, and how of divestment, the webinars focus on organizing a divestment campaign from initial steps to handling success. In the first session, David Swanson shares the success of how the city of Charlottesville divested from both weapons and fossil fuels.
World BEYOND War was started in 2014 and has chapters and affiliates around the world, including Veterans for Peace 109, an Olympia affiliate. Learn more at
Learn more at
The Evergreen State College’s Pandemic Academy is sharing class content online as a way to explore aspects of the pandemic crisis as a shared experience of world historical significance. The pandemic has simultaneously interrupted everyday habits, disrupted educational and cultural institutions, threatened the delivery of health care, challenged political systems, and depressed the world economy. When it’s over, our world will be different. Some topics are community resilience, labor and food justice, the biology and epidemiology of public health, and the moral content of large-scale crises.
Watch lectures from the spring quarter for free on youtube:
Summer course, Toward a Better Post-Pandemic World:
The Chrysalis Project is a collaborative Art in Action project to create a positive vision for our future and call for strong climate action. This project uses things that we have in our homes, our creativity, and the power voices to call for climate justice. In this time of uncertainty, we come together to create a new vision of a climate friendly community, while raising our voices for our future. As we shelter-in-place or maintain limits during the phased opening of the community, we will work in solidarity with our neighbors to create art and call upon local governments to take strong climate action.
Materials and instructions for all kinds of activities are provided at:
To learn more orhost a workshop, contact
Parallax Perspectives June theme, Boldly Creating the World We Want, first addresses serious problems in the world, nation and local communities. The second half of the program contains insights and encouragement that empower you to solve these problems.
TCTV Channel 22:
Mondays at 1:30, Wednesdays at 5:30, Thursdays at 9 pm
Program transcript with links to more information at:
See also “Organizing” and “Nonviolence” on Glen’s blog, or contact him for additional resources, consultations and workshops about grassroots organizing at 360.491.9093 or at
The Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons meets monthly, via Zoom conference during the quarantine. Join our productive meetings on the 3rd Thursday of each month. This month’s meeting is Thursday June 18 at 5 pm.
For link to Zoom meeting, contact Glen Anderson at 360.491.9093 or
Enrollment is now open for The Hummingbird Solar Project, Thurston County’s largest community solar project. The 100-kw solar array will be installed atop the Hands on Children’s Museum in Olympia in November 2020.
The Hummingbird Project has 800 solar units available for purchase. Each unit costs $300 and allows individuals, businesses, and organizations to own a piece of the solar project. You can purchase units for yourself, for a friend, or donate them to a non-profit. Each year Olympia Community Solar will send you the value of your unit’s electricity production. Once you are paid back, the project will be donated to the museum.
Over the 40 year life of the project it will save the Museum more than five hundred thousand dollars in electricity cost and prevent more than five million pounds of CO2 emissions. The Museum plans to install a clean energy educational exhibit to teach children and their families about the benefits of solar energy. The name of the project, “Hummingbird” comes from a folk tale by Wangan Maathai, a Kenyan social, environmental and political activist. The moral of his story — we each do what we can — is the way we have structured the Hummingbird Project.
Olympia Community Solar is a 501(c)3 non-profit that is stewarding an equitable and accessible transition to clean energy through community solar education, policy, and project development.
Learn more at, or 360.481.4020.
Intercity Transit is looking for an AmeriCorps Volunteer to serve as the Education and Outreach Assistant for its Walk N Roll program in collaboration with local schools. The AmeriCorps member will teach kids and families about transportation options through a variety of hands-on education and outreach activities. Participants develop skills in bike and pedestrian safety, bike mechanics, and how to ride public transit. The Member will help participants learn skills that can prepare them for the possibility of choosing a car free future. For application information and a complete position description.
Information at
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