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Works in Progress Transitions to Online Issues

Works in Progress, or WIP, is transitioning. The workers of the past few years will no longer be with the paper; also, a key philanthropist has died and we must adjust to the loss of his funding. Until other sources of funding can be secured, after this WIP will be an online paper. We hope to return to print when finances have stabilized.

Ann Vandeman, Bethany Weidner and Carolyn Roos at the WRAP party at Heritage Room, Olympia, October 20, 2023. Photo by Eddie Dupuy

Meanwhile, look for the first “online only” issue in January.

As many of you know, WIP was founded by members of the Thurston County Rainbow Coalition in 1990. That was a long time ago. Many of us attended the Evergreen State College back then, and enjoyed the fiery articles about issues of the day, including Ronald Reagan’s failed policies and each new war the US entered. WIP has gradually segued into a paper that focuses on local issues, for which our own citizens can be the experts.

In this new iteration, WIP will be run by a motley group of WIP workers trying to continue WIP’s tradition of publishing local news connected to justice issues.

They won’t have an easy time! People have stepped up for the critical tasks of outreach, editing, arranging finances, creating the on-line version, and more. However, the new crew would be glad for even more volunteers!

The new group of WIP workers welcome article submissions from the general community. These articles have been pouring in for years by local writers, young and old. They educate our community as to what is actually happening in our towns, our cities, our waterfront, and our beautiful countryside – often that’s different from what the electeds would have you think. These articles shine a spotlight on the diverse viewpoints of the members of our community.

We hope that readers will continue to send in their art work, poetry, articles, cartoons, and book reviews, and their ideas for how to keep Works in Progress thriving for many more years. ⋄

WIP will be ONLY online starting January at

To volunteer or contribute, email

Thank you to all the volunteers that made WIP possible for 33 years!



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