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Works in Progress is expanding its editorial team

Are you a prospective Wipster?

WIP is evolving!  Along with a new Managing Editor who will oversee production (beginning in October), WIP is expanding our editorial team to include new volunteer Section Editors.

Each Section Editor will take responsibility for one or two pages of the paper for each issue. A Section Editor will 1) invite writers to submit work on specific topics within their interest, community involvement or expertise;
2) find interesting, beyond-the-mainstream material to reprint; and/or
3) write something themselves.

All such content must be submitted by deadline each month, to allow time for editing and working with the author.

Broad topics might include environmental justice, climate change, social justice, policing, and militarism, local governance and economic issues, and ongoing coverage of local neighborhoods, community building, gardening and topics of a spiritual nature.

If you are interested in helping shape the future of Works in Progress as a Section Editor, email us at with the words SECTION EDITOR in the subject line and describe your interest and availability.


One Comment

  1. Amicus Curia June 11, 2021

    It won’t work without an understanding and commitment to 1st Amendment principles by the various editors–something I find in very short supply even at WIP.

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