“Not my fault”
On May 31, Hillary Clinton did the unthinkable. She added her own party to the list of those she blamed for her loss to Donald Trump. According to Hillary the DNC’s “was bankrupt”, “on the verge of insolvency”, and its data was inadequate. And she didn’t stop there. She even went after the New York Times—which had endorsed her—because, as she put it, “They covered [her private email server] like it was Pearl Harbor.” Time to get out the violins.
A few weeks earlier during a BBC interview, Noam Chomsky had an entirely different take on why Hillary lost. He stated that “the Democrats had given up on the working class 40 years ago.” Obama, who had campaigned on “hope and change”, turned his back on workers following his election to serve the bankers. With Clinton promising to carry on Obama’s legacy, to whom was the working class to turn? Even though the Republicans are known enemies of the working class, Chomsky believes Trump was successful in “appealing to white workers on non-economic issues” such as identity politics.
Chomsky also asserted that the most interesting aspect of the last election was not the election of Trump [or Clinton’s loss], but the campaign of Bernie Sanders. “Bernie Sanders broke with a century of American political history. In American elections, back to the late-19th Century, elections are basically bought. Literally. You can predict with remarkable accuracy electability simply on the basis of campaign funding.“
Sanders, an unknown, had “no support from the corporate sector” or “from the wealthy.” “The media simply dismissed him as ridiculous. He even used a scare word—”socialist”. And he would have won the democratic nomination if it hadn’t have been for the shenanigans of the party managers.” Of course, this is something that Hillary will never acknowledge.
Many, over the last year, have compared the DNC’s allegations of election manipulation by the Russian Federation to Watergate. It’s almost as if they are hopeful in a sort of titillating manner. But I think they are truly missing the bigger picture and a much greater danger to the United States.
In contrast to the unsubstantiated claim of Russia meddling through WikiLeaks, Watergate did not affect the outcome of the 1972 election. Nixon was still re-elected despite revelations that his U.S. Attorney General, John Mitchell, and his re-election committee were implicated. (There was actual proof.)
Watergate, more simply, involved a group of men hired by the Republican Party to wiretap the Democratic Party headquarters and Nixon and his White House staff, who would later try to cover up their participation. The burglars were convicted six months after the crime, White House involvement was revealed in the Senate Watergate hearings one year later, and Nixon was eventually forced to resign.
Unlike the Watergate scandal, even though the proven manipulations by DNC did affect the outcome of the presidential election, there will never be a Senate Committee hearing on the undermining of the U.S. presidential primaries. None of those involved will ever be held responsible. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Donna Brazile remain in office, and Clinton continues to give speeches and has a book coming out this fall. They and other DNC elites really should be behind bars.
Let us all pray that we will survive the Trump/Pence presidency and that HRC will finally stop talking. If only.
Sylvia Smith is a Greener, a Thurston County resident, and has been a disappointed progressive since 1968.