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Thurston County Democrats speak to labor

The Thurston County Democratic (TCD) party believes strong ties between labor and our party are essential to having our government fight for the working class and for all of our citizens. This belief is deeply entrenched in our core party value of supporting “economic justice for all.” Candidates must go through a rigorous process before receiving our endorsement, including an application, an interview, two votes from our campaign services team, and two votes from our body. Throughout the process, candidates are asked questions to ensure that they support the platform of our party and the interests of labor.

Both Fishburn and Zita have demonstrated an unwavering desire to not only maintain the number of union jobs already at the Port of Olympia, but to also create additional union jobs and family-wage jobs through Port projects and investments. They both support integrating apprenticeship utilization language and responsible bidder practices in Port contracting. They both show strong opposition to “right-to-work” initiatives and strong support for prevailing wage requirements. Additionally, both have spoken loud and clear about support for a blue/green alliance, one that uses the development of a renewable energy future to create more jobs for local labor. Finally, both come from union backgrounds: Fishburn’s parents are both union, his wife is union, and his grandfather started a steelworkers union in Spokane, while Zita is a union member herself.

We are writing to make it clear that the TCD exclusively supports Bill Fishburn and Zita for their respective Port Commissioner races. At our last central meeting of PCO’s and our members, we voted overwhelmingly (over 95%) in support of endorsing them both. This came despite a motion from one member who tried to pull them from the slate of candidates claiming that Fishburn and Zita do not support labor. That motion to not endorse them with the rest of our slate fell flat. Not one member was willing to speak for the motion, while three members stood up and spoke strongly against the motion and in favor of endorsing Fishburn and Zita.

In conclusion, we are concerned that the endorsements of Fishburn and Zita are being withheld based on what we know to be false accusations coming from one person who is a member of our party.  We need Fishburn and Zita in the Port of Olympia. We need more union jobs at the Port, we need a Port that will work for a future for all of us, and we need a Port that understands the value of responsible bidder contracts, apprenticeships, and prevailing wages. The status quo at the Port has not been working for the working class. We need more union jobs at the Port, and we need them now. That is not going to happen without your help to get Fishburn and Zita elected.

In Solidarity,

The Thurston County Democrats Executive Board (

Boudicca Walsh, Chair (

Jim Reitz, Vice Chair of PCO’s (

Eric Miller, Vice Chair of Campaigns (

Nick Fediay, Treasurer (

Jessica Blose, State Committeewoman (

Patrick McLaughlin, State Committeeman (

Suzanne Kline, At Large Board Member (

Sarah Boyd, At Large Board Member (

Susan Stack, LD2 Representative (and retired union member) (

Michael Savoca, LD20 Representative (and former VP and shop steward of Local 1926) (

Charles Adkins, LD22 Representative and LD 22 Chair – (

Jody Alfiere, LD 35 Representative (


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