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Then this happened… March 2021

…They should have had Olympia SWAT at the Capitol on January 6. As 45 homeless people and their supporters tried to enter Olympia’s downtown Red Lion Hotel, the police arrived in force (“they’re not messing around”) to carry off the trespassers. Seven were arrested on the spot. Intrepid Olympia Mayor Cheryl Selby the next morning denounced the activists as “domestic terrorists.” (See story on p. 7)

… More homeless in the making. The total pandemic-driven bill owed by tenants in this country for rent, utilities and late fees as of January amounted to $53 billion. The only end in sight is eventual eviction.

… Cancel culture comes in handy! Republican leaders in at least six state parties (Alaska, Wyoming, Louisiana, North and South Carolina and Arizona) censured their elected officials for not falling into line with Trump’s attack on the 2020 election.

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I’m torn between Merlot and Chardonnay—those houses in that new…