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Themes for January and February 2019

Theme for January: Political work in the context of the midterm election results.

(Ed note: I’m going to defer to Max Elbaum to stimulate thinking about submissions for next month’s theme. Thank you, Max. —BW)

Elections are about power. They are a barometer of relative strength of different social and political forces; and within certain constraints, they can shift that power. Those constraints vary, sometimes the outcome of elections can shift things only in the tiniest of ways, other times they have big consequences. This just-completed election, and likely even more the one in 2020, the stakes are quite high. Politics is about Power. One of positive things this moment is that the question of power has moved central to discussion on the left. Not just how to speak truth to power, or how to protest those in power, or pressure those in power. Rather, how to take chunks of power from those who have it now and get it for exploited and oppressed. —Max Elbaum, from his notes in Portside, November 18.

February theme: Rural life and the urban/rural divide

You can’t say ‘hereafter’ without saying ‘here’. The role of…