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The Sustaining Fund grants awards to four recipients

The Community Sustaining Fund’s (CSF) autumn 2014 grant cycle was completed noon Saturday November 15, when four local groups were provided grants following interviews, presentations, and subsequent deliberations.

This fairly rapid process has been a hallmark of the CSF. In its 27th year, the fund has distributed over $80,000 to over 200 welcoming project sponsors The majority of the funds the CSF distributes comes from shoppers at the Eastside and Westside Olympia Food Co-ops “rounding up” their purchases. The recipients during this cycle included the following:

Olympia Coalition for Ecosystem Preservation received support of $1000 for split-rail fencing and interpretive signage at the west side herony (also referred to as a rookery). This property was threatened by development and has recently been acquired for conservation and preservation purposes. Contact for more information.

The West Central Park – Habitat Renewal Pollination Garden received $400 in support of the garden, Mason Bee interpretive brochures, and surveys of participants. Contact for more information.

The Port of Olympia Militarization Resistance (PMR) received support of $400 for assisting in the printing of material required for a submission to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Contact julianne.panagacos@gmail for more information.

Placemakers Academy – Part of 2015 Olympia Village Building Convergence received $900 in support of their ten-week “train the trainer” Academy based on a Portland model. This project addresses community-inspired places that ties back to Olympia neighborhood associations. Contact for more information.

The CSF is always impressed with the applications we review and the subsequent interviews we conduct. It’s inspiring to hear of people’s passions for actions and activities in the realms of social justice, environmental education and protection, local stewardship, and other local causes that are responding to the CSF funding criteria:

This particular grant cycle the CSF appreciates the additional $1500 provided by the Co-op Board. If there is interest in supporting the Community Sustaining Fund, and/or joining its Leadership Team, please contact us and consider attending our monthly gatherings at Traditions, starting at 10AM on the second Saturday of the month.

Keith is a member of the Community Sustaining Fund of Thurston County.      



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