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The rest of the Caucus/Convention Cycle

Legislative District Caucuses

Sunday, April 17, 2016, beginning at 1:00 pm

Only the 2nd Legislative District Delegates meet on this date, the 20th, 22nd, and 35th District Delegates will hold their Legislative District Caucuses at the May 1, Thurston County Democratic Convention

Thurston County Convention

Sunday, May 1, 2016, beginning at 1:00 pm

Congressional District Caucuses

Saturday, May 21, 2016, time to be determined

Most of Thurston County voters are part of the 10th Congressional District; part of South Thurston County is in the 3rd Congressional District.

The congressional district caucuses will elect 67 delegates to the National Convention. Each congressional district caucus will also elect one presidential elector and one alternate.

State Convention

Friday, June 17 through Sunday, June 19, 2016.

The State Convention will elect presidential electors, adopt a state party platform, and address resolutions. In addition, those members of the Washington State Democratic Central Committee who represent legislative districts will meet on Sunday, June 19 to elect 12 Pledged Party Leaders and Elected Official delegates, 19 delegates and 7 alternates to the National Convention.

National Convention

Monday, July 25 through Thursday, July 28, 2016

Washington State will send a total of 119 delegates to the Convention: 101 of the delegates are chosen through the caucus and convention process and 18 are unpledged party leaders and elected officials.

I feel the melodic song Of that northern wind Saying…