Courts and Religion
From the beginning of the first Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), it was nearly impossible for most of us to predict what claim would land in our laps next, or what claims would dominate. Except for the conservative Christians, whose agenda keeps popping up through the policy and RFRA thicket.
When RFRA began its journey through our society in 1993, the conservative Christian agenda was so deeply buried that the “Coalition for the Free Exercise of Religion” included the ACLU, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and People for the American Way. President Clinton proudly signed it.
To this day, conservative Christians like to describe the RFRAs as “bipartisan” as they point to Clinton’s and the ACLU’s support, because that gives them cover for their extreme conservative agendas. No more. The anti-progressive agendas slowly leaked out, and now all of those liberal groups have some explaining to do, but more importantly, battles to wage, and to their credit they have stepped up.
But the real folks at fault are the legislators who have been willing to accept faith and faith alone as a reason to pass laws…
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