Celebrate Tom Nogler’s Life
Sat., Feb 1. 10 am Capitol Theater, 206 5th Ave.
See page 2 about Tom. Memorial donations may be made to Oly Public Power Campaign
Orca Recovery Work Party
Sat., Feb 1. 10 am – 1 pm. 701 W. Bay Drive NW
Be part of the solution! Thurston Conservation District, info at ksinner@thurstoncd.com
Phone 360-754-3588 ext 105
Strengthening Sanctuary Alliance
Mon., Feb 3. 5:30-8 pm, St. John’s Episcopal Church, 114 20th Ave SE
Learn about several committees working on behalf of migrants at risk of deportation and to support and expand the Oly City Council sanctuary city resolution Bob Zeigler, zeiglerbob@msn.com or Olympia.sanctuary@gmail.com
Clean Energy Thurston
Mon, Feb 3, 6 pm. Mekong Restaurant, 125 Columbia St NW
Get ahead on eliminating dirty power, discussion over dinner
Thurston Public Power Initiative Launch
Tues., Feb 4, 7 pm. Olympia Community Center.
Dennis Kucinich will open the campaign to bring publicly owned power to Thurston County. Hear him at other events throughout the week. For information: htpp://www.powertothepublic.org
Workplace Organizing Collective
Tue., Feb 11. 5:30-7:30 pm, POWER office, 309 5th Ave SE Teaching one another effective, concrete organizing skills to build power at work. Oly Democratic Socialists of America, http://olydsa.org
Jacobin Reading Group
Wed., Feb 12. 6-7:30 pm, Orca Books, 509 E. 4th Ave.
Discuss articles of interest to Socialists, sometimes from Jacobin
Oly Democratic Socialists of America, jacobin@olydsa.com
The Iliad—A retelling of the Greek classic in the context of today’s wars.
Saturday., Feb. 15. 7:30 pm. Olympia Friends Meeting house, 3201 Boston Harbor Rd.
Anniversary of Susan B Anthony’s birth
Sat., Feb 15. 1:30 -3 pm. Bigelow House Museum, 918 Glass St. NE
Celebrate the 200th anniversary of this Suffragist an 100th anniversary of the League of Women Voters
LWV of Thurston Co., www.olympiahistory.org or www.lwvthurston.org
Planned Parenthood Statewide Lobby day
Mon, Feb. 17, 11 am-2 pm, State Capitol
Join others from across the state to avocate for reproductive rights and #PassPinkBills
Planned Parenthood Votes NW an Hawaii, http://www.facebook.com/events/877532772675362/
Native American Art Exhibition
Mon., Feb. 18 – Mar. 20. Opening reception Feb. 21, 4:30-6:30. Leonor R. Fuller Gallery, South Puget Sound Community College.
Art works selected by native guest curators highlighting work by local youths and adults. Sponsored by the Nisqually Tribe.
Nuclear Weapons Nowadays
Mon. eves, Feb 24 – Mar 16. OUU Congregation, 2315 Division NW
A 4-session class on what you can know and do about nuclear weapons
The vote: Past, Present, Future
Sat., Feb 29. Olympia Regional Learning Academy, 2400 15th Ave SE
Facilitated roundtable discussion, Register at www.lwvthurston.org