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Special events

Victory Celebration

Thursday, April 5, 6 to 9 PM.  Gaiser Hall, Clark College. 1933 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, WA.

Celebrate the defeat of an oil and coal terminal,  Music theater by Holcombe Waller exploring the 2016 Mosier train derailment.

Heat Shimmer Erina Cedar Sap: A Safeplace Benefit Show

Friday, April 6,  9 PM. At Rhythm and Rye,  $5 to $10.  Simon Conrad, 360-786-8754.

“Find Your Immigrant and Miscreant Ancestors.”

Saturday, April 7, 8:15 AM – 3:30 PM, Capital Event Center, 6005 Tyee Drive

Olympia Genealogical Society, $50. Pre-registration required,  360-943-5209.

Tour of Historic Schmidt House.

Tuesday, April 10, 11 AM to 12:30 PM.  In Tumwater with Bob Crimm.

Basement archives and more surprises. By appointment  Free.

Aging in Place Resource Expo,

Wednesday April 11, 10 AM to 3 PM.  455 North Street SE, Tumwater. 

South Sound Manor Event Center, Independent living for older adults. Vendors and speakers. Free.

Community Healing through African Spirituality.

Friday, April 13, 6 PM at Media Island, 816 Adams St. SE.

Special Guest Javoen Byrd, spiritual consultant and organizer. Shawna Hawkins, 360-352-8526.

“Adult Swim”

Friday, April 13, 7 to 10 PM.  Hands On Children’s Museum. 

Taste and explore the science behind beer from local breweries.  Age 21 up.  Tickets via Hands On website.

Free Day at Washington State Parks.

Saturday, April 14 and April 22.

No Discovery Pass needed.

“Inspiring One Another to Continue Taking Steps Toward Justice and Peace”

Saturday, April 14, 9 AM to 3:30 PM.  Fauntleroy UCC Church, 9140 California Avenue SW, West Seattle

FOR’s 20th Annual Spring Assembly.  Workshops on homelessness, nuclear weapons, & more. Lunch with music. Suggest donation $20. 206-789-5565.

South Sound Climate Action Convention

Saturday, April 14, 9:30 AM – 5 PM,  South Puget Sound College, 4220 6th Ave SE, Lacey

Breakout sessions with experts; lunch. Registration $20 thru April 5; $25 after. Contact: 

Register at 

March for Science Olympia

Saturday, April 14, 11 AM, North Steps of the Capitol.

See article in this issue.   RSVP at

“The Toast”

Sunday, April 15, 3-5 PM, Hotel RL (Red Lion). 

Fundraiser for Dispute Resolution Center of Thurston County. Wine, hors d’oeuvres, treats. Learn about the Center and its programs.  Joe Sanders  360-956-1155.

Hanford Nuclear Waste Update

Tuesday, April 17, 7 PM, the Olympia Center.

Public meeting on recent accidents with radiological releases at the PUREX Tunnel and other issues. Go to

Razor Clam Dig

April 18, 7:45 AM, Mocrocks Beach in Moclips, WA.  

Access beach via 2nd Street.  Sponsored by Dept of Fish & Wildlife.  Limit 15 clams.

“Age of Consequences”

6:30 PM, Thursday, April 19.

Earth Day themed documentary, Unitarian Church, 2315 Division NW. Parking 2200 East End St. Free.

Climate Solutions’ 20-year Reception & Anniversary

Thursday, April 19, 5 to 8 PM.  The Heritage Room, 604 Water Street 

Presenting Sam Garst Climate Champion Award to co-founders Paul Horton and Rhys Roth. Donation. RSVP at Climate Solutions website or try 

Burren Band performs Irish

Saturday, April 21, 7 PM.  Traditions Fair Trade on 5th

Fundraiser for Kamukamu Learning Fdn., supporting schools in Uganda. $20. Visit their website.

Landscape Your Yard Class

Thursday, April 26, 6 to 8:30 PM at Tumwater City Hall

Needs assessment & site analysis, create a site map & plan, choose plants. $25. Pre-registration required:  360-754-4160 for more.


Friday, April 27, 9:30 PM. 

Meet at 5th from Washington, process to Capitol Way and circle Sylvester Park. Luminary Parade in the dark.

Procession of the Species

Saturday, April 28, 4:30 PM, downtown Olympia.

Process from Jefferson & Legion to Heritage Park on Water Street. 

For events after WIP goes to press, visit our Facebook Page


Zahid Chaudhry can stay home.On March 12, Judge Paul DeFonzo…