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Sanctuary:  organizations – reports and resources

Immigrant Legal Resource Center

for direct download:

“Local Options for Protecting Immigrants: A Collection of City & County Policies to Protect Immigrant from Discrimination and Deportation”  Lena Graber, Angie Junck, Nikki Marquez.  Sections include: County & Jail Provisions; Criminal Legal Provisions, City Provisions, Mapping Local Authorities

“Searching for Sanctuary: An Analysis of America’s Counties & Their Voluntary Assistance with Deportations”  Grabe & Marquez, Dec 2016

United We Dream: Sanctuary — #Here to Stay Toolkit Immigrant Youth Building a Movement for Justice.

“Five important things you need to know about DACA during a Trump presidency”


Northwest Immigrant Rights Project 

Education, advocacy & legal services. On their web site, see:

“Important information about DACA” “Upcoming Community Events”

Resources: Deferred Action & DACA; Detention & Deportation Defense; Latest Immigration Updates.  Offices in Tacoma & Seattle.

WA Human Rights Commission

Information, posters on discrimination in housing and employment.

National Immigration Law Center

“Immigration Enforcement: Know Your Rights at Home and at Work” and other materials  “National Map of Local Entanglement with Ice”  Article/map on the degree to which local law enforcement offers assistance to federal authorities.

“Tool Kit for an Inclusive Oregon” Innovation Law Lab, Portland OR

Tool-Kit for an Inclusive Oregon

Also see their project “Immigrant U”  (empowering clients to improve legal services)

Washington State Workers’ Rights Manual, 3rd edition, 2014. Full & abridged versions. Available Online –

See Chapter 10 – “Undocumented Workers”

WA State Labor Education & Research Ctr – provides online materials, and workshops focusing on a range of labor issues, including the rights/needs of immigrant workers

National Employment Law Project

Main office in NYC, with Seattle office, staff focusing on immigrant workers’ rights.

A few items of media coverage: 1/24/17  Links Sanctuary to workplace empowerment & labor strategies

“Sanctuary Cities Stand Firm Against Trump”  On re-affirming Sanctuary, no definitive listing (list notes NYC & SFran to Aberdeen WA & Ashland OR)  “Here are the Sanc cities ready to resist T’s deportation threats (and how much of their budget could be at stake)”

Estimates… from 1 – 2% of Portland to 25% of DC budget threatened

“Being a Sanctuary city: what it means, what cities can do, and what they can’t”

12-16-16  (Orange County Register, CA)

“Santa Ana cements status as Sanc City” 12-20-16    Dec 2016  “Ending their Sanc status would be far more economically devastating than if T pulls federal funding” (estimated 300 cities are Sanc identified)    11-15-16 Focus: statements of Chicago, NY, Seattle right after election



“We are at the point where … staying within polite…