On Monday afternoon of Tax Day, April 15, 2024, protesters held a vigil near the district office of Rep. Marilyn Strickland, Federal District 10, to protest the use of U.S. tax dollars for weapons to Israel and particularly Strickland’s support of Israel. This vigil was part of more than fifteen Pro-Palestinian protests held nation-wide on Tax Day—including Seatac, NYC, Portland, ME, and Eugene, OR.

Large signs, hand-held placards, and event speakers all asked Strickland to support peace in the Israel-Gaza war by supporting Palestinians. A unique part of the vigil was wrapped objects like dead infants that represented the many children killed in the Gaza war. These “babies” were displayed on the ground or carried by protesters.
Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice sponsored the vigil. Their flyer for the event stated that protesters would be “demanding that she [Strickland] explain her AIPAC-funded trip to Israel, that she stop support for use of our tax dollars to fund bombs for Israel that continue to kill and injure Gaza’s children, and that she stop supporting genocide with her silence.”
More than 50 protestors attended. The event started near the front of Lacey City Hall and later moved a short distance to College Street and 3rd Avenue where protesters waved signs at passing motorists on College Street.
Weekly Peace Vigils continue each Friday, 4:30 to 6:00 pm at Percival Landing, 4th and Water Street in Olympia. The Rachel Corrie Foundation and other local groups working for peace and nuclear disarmament invite the public to gather with them to vigil and network. See https://rachelcorriefoundation.org/
At the end of March Rep. Strickland made an AIPAC-sponsored trip to Israel where she met Netanyahu and was photographed with him on March 27. AIPAC is a PAC (Political Action Committee) committed to raising money for elected representatives of both parties who support Israel.
On April 12 Strickland released a Strickland Statement On The War Between Israel And Hamas. While the statement calls for peace with sovereignty for both Israel and Palestinians, one sentence particularly stands out: “The easiest path to end the violence is for Hamas to surrender, and immediately release the hostages who were taken on October 7.” For the complete statement, go to https://strickland.house.gov/media/press-releases/strickland-statement-war-between-israel-and-hamas