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Poetry: Just Desserts

A thousand crystal droplets of water
On the bare branches of dark brown,
Wink at me as I speed walk my dog.
Jagged evergreens push into the horizon
Of rippled sky.
A lone hummingbird comes to feed
In the dead of winter.
And I wonder what the true meaning of
An eye for an eye.


How can one pay for the
Four hundred thousand dead as
He played golf
And promised otherwise.
Babies torn from their parents
Can never be repaired.
My own consciousness of self changes
From a hammer to a kiss
I don’t believe in the death penalty
Not even for 45


But what are his just desserts?
A lone cell in which he sits
Never to hear or see his name
Anywhere on the horizon.
While the rest of us
Forgive EACHOTHER for our sins
Greta sails the Ocean.
Georgia wins the day.
A single baby elephant is saved.
Life is a blessing
No matter what.




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