Our Revolution Thurston has a new volunteer headquarters at Lamplighters, 211 4th Avenue East in downtown Olympia (the White Building). The Democratic Primary starts February 21, when ballots will be mailed, and ORT is hosting phone banking events there Tuesday through Sunday in support of Bernie Sanders, whom they have endorsed.
Emphasizing that phone banking and canvassing are the most effective ways to be involved, the campaign set a goal of 5 million calls for January. On January 21, volunteers and supporters throughout the country—and the world—passed the goal with 6 million calls.
ORT will be hosting debate-watch parties at Lamplighters on February 7, 19 and 25. All are welcome to attend the potluck-style events (no alcohol).
Events at Lamplighters are hosted by campaign volunteers, who have gone through training and agreed to follow the volunteer principles. These include: We treat everyone we encounter with care and respect, whether or not they agree with us. We actively listen and validate people’s experiences even if we don’t always agree with them. We don’t argue or debate. Stay positive and focused on what matters.
Representative Pramila Jayapal and Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant both endorsed Sanders in January. Jayapal is a co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. They join Washington state Senator Bob Hasegawa of the 11th district and former state Senator Maralyn Chase of the 32nd district in their support.
On February 7, local volunteers will host Bands for Bernie at Octapas Café. Performers will include The Hinges, The Remainders (a new band with members of The Forgotten 45s), and The Mona Reels. Participants will also hear from local elected officials, candidates, and community leaders. Free and open to all ages, the event features a #MyBernieStory open mic during which all are welcome to share.
.On January 24h and 25 Our Revolution Thurston participated in the nation-wide Our Revolution Organize to Win 2020 Summit. This included a Legislative Day of Action at the capitol with free training and information and a 21st Century Civil Rights Celebration with live music and the movie Rights for All, the story of Elizabeth Paratovich.
Our Revolution is committed to implementation of volunteer principles, which are listed in the campaign’s tool for organizers among other places. Those who want to serve in a volunteer role, such as a Bernie Victory Captain or social media volunteer, must sign a copy of the principles, agreeing to follow them. Volunteer texters have the added step of passing a test covering etiquette before they can start reaching out to voters.
“I appreciate how the volunteer protocols guide us to ask and listen to what matters to people and their families,” said local Victory Captain Jessica Ryan. “It creates an opening to connect heart-to-heart. And this connecting expands the campaign, like lighting candles across the country, positioning us to defeat Trump with a mass movement of people- and compassion-led power.”