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Ode to GRuB

GRuB doesn’t just feed the hungry food
Or the youth truth
They serve up hope for the future too
Their staff walks on water
Blue and Gaffi made sure was collected
In an up cycled rain barrel
They don’t just grow food on that farm
Or hope or futures
They grow wings on the backs of solitary angels
Once slumped over lost in despair
Now found on their knees with dirt in their hair
Smiling friends everywhere
And just like disenfranchised youth with pink hair
They lifted me up
Through the dirt of a ten by ten garden plot
Next to a housing project
But then real projects
Happened around a picnic table of volunteers
In the self-esteem and sense of community we built
You see we planted and grew respect in each other
It seems they grow nothing but deep roots and wings
Because everyone who is given the opportunity
To just be
At an urban farm run by old Evergreeners
Comes back to roost
Like a pigeon homing in on personal growth
And seeds of truth
And I have the tag on my leg as proof
That’s why I keep coming back
Giving them time and money
Because they gave me the bounty any good farm grows
But they did it to my heart mind and soul
And it doesn’t rot or expire like things you desire
You can’t buy GRuB’s brand of food on any shelf
I know I had some myself

Lennée Reid is a truth seeker, nature lover, poet and spoken word artist. She has one child and lives in Olympia. She can also be found on YouTube.

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