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Nature always bats last

A polar bear paid me to protest.

Don’t be a fossil fool.

There is no Planet B.

Separate oil and state.

Shit is meltin’.

If the environment was a bank,

It would be saved already.

May the facts be with you.

Give bees a chance.

Air pollution

Is a chemical weapon.


Jesus said,

“Follow me.”

Buddha said,

“Follow the

middle way.”

Trump said,

“Grab ‘em by

the pussy.

Punch ‘em in

the face.”


Resistance is not futile.

Out of the White House –

back to your penthouse.

The oceans are rising

and so are we.

Act now and save!

Change the President,

not the climate.

Save the EPA from the SOBs.


Consume less.

Frack Trump.

Clean power to the people.

Make America great again.

Nature always bats last.

David Smith is a retired English teacher and publisher of Dead Parrot, a Facebook political blog. This poem was inspired by signs at the April 29, 2017 Climate March in Washington, D.C.

for Kabby Mitchell III, (1956-2017)   In Seattle at the…