These suggestions relate to Olympia, but they work for other towns as well. Many businesses offer takeout. That’s a great option for support. Many are online, so check their websites to see if there is a way to buy a gift card or shop. This includes theaters. A win-win option is to sign up for a meal delivered to a camp or the Interfaith Shelter by ordering a takeout meal from a local place. In Olympia, Interfaith Works has a meal sign up online. If your favorite business is on Facebook, Instagram, email lists or has a website, now would be the time to join for updates and or to send messages of support. Some places immediately set up GoFundMe accounts, creating an opportunity to make a donation to hold businesses over until the critical period is over. There are landlords downtown and elsewhere who are saying “business as usual” and expecting the full rent on the first of the month. Some downtown businesses that set up GoFundMe accounts in Olympia are: Rainy Day Records, Cryptatropa, The Reef, Traditions, Rhythm & Rye, Ginger Street, Le Voyeur, Orca Books….there are likely more. Those of us who continue to receive monthly checks as retirees or because we’re able to work from home are in a good position to help.