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Look at us (poem)

Look at us
We are of earth and water
Look at them
It is the same
Look at us
We are suffering all these years
Look at them
They are connected
Look at us
We are in pain
Look at them
Surprised at our anger
Look at us
We are struggling to survive
Look at them
Expecting sorrow be benign


Look at us
We are the ones called pagan
Look at them
On their arrival
Look at us
We are called subversive
Look at them
Descending from name callers
Look at us
We wept sadly in the long dark
Look at them
Hiding in technologic light
Look at us
We buried the generations
Look at them


Inventing the body count
Look at us
We are older than America
Look at them
Chasing a fountain of youth


Look at us we are embracing earth
Look at them
Clutching today
Look at us
We are living in the generations
Look at them
Existing in jobs and debt
Look at us
We have escaped many times
Look at them
They cannot remember
Look at us
We are healing
Look at them
Their medicine is patented
Look at us
We are trying
Look at them
What are they doing
Look at us
We are children of earth
Look at them
Who are they

“Look at Us” is from Lines from a Mined Mind, the collected works of John Trudell and reprinted by permission of Fulcrum Publishing.

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