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Local Salon Continues to Make Waves in Support of Water Projects


Olympia’s own eco-friendly Premiere Salon and Spa—an Aveda concept salon—is furthering their commitment to cruelty-free health and beauty products while joining local efforts during Earth Month. The talented and community-minded designers have been working to raise their goal of $3000 for clean water worldwide and to aid their efforts in the annual beach clean-up, scheduled for June 2, 4-7 pm at Burfoot Park.

“We really think of it as Earth Season since our clean water events and fundraising extend into the summer time,” explains Salon Operations Manager Jeanine Clark. “We plan to focus on cleaning up any trash and broken glass in an effort to keep Burfoot clean and safe for our community members, as well as continual fundraising for clean water projects locally and globally.”

The local green business has been collaborating with Puget Soundkeeper Alliance for the past 10 years in its efforts to protect the Puget Sound waters. Premiere management emphasizes the high priority of water cleanliness, due to the declining fish populations in Hood Canal, the increasing traces of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s) found marine life, and the mercury levels found in our salmon and shellfish.

“Giving back to our community is a small token of that appreciation that makes us all successful,” says Salon Owner Kelly Harris.

In addition, Premiere is taking it one step further by partnering with Hope for Women through the promotion of their fair-trade handcrafted jewelry at the Salon. The featured bracelets will benefit marginalized women and their families world wide through economic opportunities, and 100% of the proceeds will be used to benefit Premiere’s clean water efforts. The featured bracelets are made from seeds from the South American rainforest and are made with recycled materials, which encourages rain forest preservation and recycling efforts.

For information on how to contribute to Premiere’s environmental goals, or to donate your time at the upcoming beach clean-up at Burfoot,  email You can also stop by the salon at 111 Market Street, Suite 101 (across the street from the Farmer’s Market) and pick up a bracelet, donate funds, and support local business while treating yourself to a luxurious hair-mind-body experience. Request an appointment online or call 360-753-3299.

“We live in a beautiful area of passionate people that give to us in so many ways,” adds Harris. “It’s important to make them look beautiful but more importantly to appreciate the beauty of who they are.”

K.T. Cox is , an Evergreen Graduate and an occasional contributor to WIP among other progressive papers and zines.

One Comment

  1. Wall May 15, 2020

    Way to go, K.T. Cox!
    Such great work.

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