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Invitation to the Tumwater Fourth of July Parade (Letter to Works in Progress)

Dear ones,
Everyone in Olympia area…please join me, Mother Liberty, July 4 10 am for the Tumwater Parade

It is time to personally stand up and speak out against the tyrannies which enslave this planet.
Bring your favorite sign such as END THE FED, STOP WAR, STOP THE SHIPPING OF PROPPANTS, SAVE THE BEES, NO TO OIL TRAINS, BOYCOTT MONSANTO etc. (I’ll have extra signs.)

We’ll gather at the end parking lot on Israel one hour before the parade.

I could probably stop the tyrants alone…but, it is much more fun to do it together!
Love you grandly,
Mary Hath Spokane

The speech by Gerry Condon, on behalf of Veterans for…