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How to submit your writing or art to Works in Progress

Works in Progress is a community resource, so please take advantage by submitting your writing, drawings or cartoons.

Guidelines for writing for WIPOur priority is to focus on stories that are ignored or misrepresented in the mainstream media, especially those that relate directly to our mission.  Informed opinion pieces are welcome, especially when accompanied by facts, examples and sources. We like articles or stories or reflections that relate to the issue outlined for the theme, but that’s not necessary. Once we receive a submission we will contact you if we are interested in publishing it.

Submitting your writingSend an email to with the word SUBMISSION in the subject line. Attach your submission as a word document. Do not send pdfs or google docs.  Include your name, a brief bio to run and where to contact you. Ideally, your piece should be a maximum of 1200 words.  For more detail on submitting, plus info on art, pictures or other material, visit the Submit Content page on our website.

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