It tastes good this shit they shovel, I swallow
Mon Santo Clause (That’s lawyer speak)
Stuffing stockings with poison year round
(Know Yer Law Everyone) = KYLE
We Haul Insecticide (,) Leaking Everywhere
Hey, Insects, Go to Hell
Hi, I have the munchies and
will eat anything
Everything in SIGHT
Smoking Increases Guys (and girls
(and gods)) Hunger and Thirst
GMO so hungry and STONED
September Today Or Nearly Every Day
Feed me
Give Me Osteoporosis
Go Make Olives
Go Massacre Orchards
Go Marr Oranges
Graze My Oates and heather
Hall & Oates
You’re a rich girl and you’ve gone too far
‘cause you know it don’t matter anyway
You can rely on the old man’s money
You can rely on the old man’s money
God Made Oxymoron
Kenneth is an Evergreen grad. He spends his days sleeping, reading outside with cat in lap when weather allows, buying records at Rainy Day, and working on art projects. He spends his nights stocking products at a convenience store.