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Denny Heck: The candidate of Wall Street, banking and insurance industry, big oil, big pharma, endless war, and neocolonialism

If progressive voters of Washington’s 10th Congressional district want a real progressive to represent them, they should be thinking about replacing Denny Heck. Following is a list of 16 anti-progressive votes Heck has made in the U.S. Congress. Solid progressive Congressional reps like Bernie Sanders, Barbara Lee, Raul Grijalva, and Keith Ellison voted the opposite way as Heck on these bills. Contact Jeff Sowers( if you want to help elect a real progressive from WA Dist 10.

1/11/2017 Heck votes for deregulation of investment industry, removing protections for unsophisticated investors who may be lured into risky investments by promoters of investment products.

12/2/16 Heck, in another vote for the US regime change war in Syria, votes to escalate the war by arming Syrian insurgents with anti-aircraft weapons.

11/30/16 Heck bows to Big Pharma and votes in favor of “21st Century Cures Act.”

This bill includes a grab bag of goodies for Big Pharma and medical device companies that would undermine requirements for ensuring safe and effective drugs and medical devices. In opposition to this bill Elizabeth Warren stated, “when American voters say Congress is owned by big companies, this bill is exactly what they are talking about.”9/9/2016 Heck serves Wall Street and votes yes to weaken The Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act by supporting HR 524, the Investment Advisors Modernization Act, a bill that eliminates government oversight of private equity and hedge funds.

6/18/2016 Denny Heck votes yes to developing new long range nuclear cruise missiles.

6/17/2016 Denny Heck votes yes for endless war on terror with approval of Authorization for Use of Military Force.

6/17/2016 Denny Heck votes yes for arming and training Syrian rebels

6/16/2016 Denny Heck votes no to 1% reduction in defense budget.

6/29/2016 Denny Heck votes for neocolonialism and the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA).

5/25/2016 Denny Heck votes for continued federal funding for fossil fuel research.

5/24/2016 Denny Heck votes for CIA, NSA, and FBI “black budget.”

12/18/2015 Denny Heck votes for “big oil, dark money, surveillance stuffed omnibus bill,” This bill, opposed by Sanders and other progressives, overturned 40-year-old US oil export ban, weakened campaign finance disclosures, authorized more surveillance of Americans, and encouraged more exporting of US jobs overseas.

12/9/2015 Denny Heck approves discrimination against middle east refugees in bill condemned by ACLU and Human Rights Watch.

6/12/2015 Denny Heck votes for Fast Track on Free Trade

1/28/2015 What the frack? Heck joins GOP in vote to expedite natural gas exports.

1/29/2014 Denny Heck votes to Cut $8.7 Billion from food stamps
(Farm bill)

12 Progressive Bills Denny Heck Does Not Support:

H.R.676—Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act. (115th Congress), 94 democratic sponsors.
H.R.1227 – Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition   Act  of  2017. (115th Congress), 10 sponsors, including Tulsi Gabbard.
H.Res.132 – NAFTA renegotiation resolution. (115th Congress). Requires strong labor and environmental standards be added to NAFTA for it to continue in force. 21 cosponsors, including Ellison.

H.R.608 – Stop Arming Terrorists Act. (115th Congress). Prohibits training and arming groups in Syria linked to al Qaeda or other designated terrorist groups. Introduced by Tulsi Gabbard. 10 cosponsors.
H.R.3164 – Pay Workers a Living Wage Act. (114th Congress) Raises minimum wage in stages to $15 over five years, and then increased annually based on the consumer price index. Introduced in House by Keith Ellison, Senate by Sanders. 56 cosponsors, including Jim McDermott and Adam Smith of WA.
H.R.2798 – Strengthening Refugee Resettlement Act. (114th Congress). Refugee-friendly bill supported by congressional progressives. Introduced in House by Keith Ellison, 27 sponsors.
H.R. 4763 – Wage Theft Prevention and Wage Recovery Act (114th Congress, 2015-16), 38 sponsors.
H.R. 2302 Police Training and Independent Review Act of 2015 (114th Congress), 100 cosponsors, including Adam Smith(WA) and Jim Mcdermott (WA).
H.Res.708 – Protect immigrants rights resolution. Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the immigration policies of the United States should reduce automatic removal and detention, restore due process for immigrants, and repeal unnecessary barriers to legal immigration.(114th Congress), 34 cosponsors.
H.R.1391 – Social Security 2100 Act (114th Congress), 105/188 cosponsors, including progressives, Kilmer, but not Heck. Increases Social Security benefits and links further increases to cost of living index.
H.R.3713 – Sentencing Reform Act of 2015 (114th Congress), 79 cosponsors, including McDermott, Ellison, and Lee, Larsen (WA), and DelBene (WA). Increases judicial flexibility to reduce sentences below mandatory minimums for nonviolent and drug offenders.

H.R.258 – Half in Ten Act of 2015. (114th Congress). This bill articulates a Congressional finding that individuals and families in poverty are more socially vulnerable to natural disasters, extreme weather and impacts of climate change and have greater difficulty preparing for, responding to, and recovering from such events. Sponsor: Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) (introduced 1/9/15). 39 sponsors.

One Comment

  1. Richard Simpson May 31, 2017

    A long and incriminating litany of offensive votes.

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