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Centennial of IWW tragedy remembered with free public events

The Wobblies return to Centralia

Veteran’s Day 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of the Centralia Tragedy, when citizens of Centralia did their best to drive the Industrial Workers of the World from town at a horrible cost. The secret of what happened that night at Hangman’s Bridge, where an IWW member was lynched, has haunted every descendant of every man who took part in the macabre ritual. But like a weed that won’t die, the IWW persists and grows stronger. A century later, the Wobblies are back in Centralia (at least for a few days), with a concert and two workshops.

The IWW Today • Sunday, Nov. 10, 2 pm

A free talk by Dave Tucker, IWW Executive Board Member on the status of the IWW globally, current organizing efforts in North America, and the union’s future

Intro to Wobbly Organizing  • Monday, Nov. 11, 3 pm

A free workshop presented by members of Seattle IWW’s General Membership Branch on the nuts and bolts of a worker-led union campaign

Fanning Flames of Discontent • Sunday, Nov. 10

A free concert featuring Linda Allen, Mark Ross and Jess Grant
(doors open at 7 pm, show starts at 7:30)

All events held at the historic Centralia WA Train Depot,
210 Railroad Ave. 98531

Learn more about this pivotal event in Washington history at


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