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Caravan honors essential labor of farmworkers

This May Day, El Comité, along with WAISN (WA Immigrant Solidarity Network), Community to Community (C2C) and Familias Unidas organized a caravan to Olympia to honor the essential labor of farmworkers who work to produce the food we all eat. The arrival of this pandemic has revealed the already abysmal conditions under which farmworkers are made to labor and made them far more dangerous.

Farmworkers’ housing, food, pay, and PPE all fail to meet basic standards owed any worker, much less those who have been designated “essential” by the government itself. Caravaners made a coffing and placed it in front of the legislature. The coffin serves as a vivid warning of the burden that the government and all consumers must be willing to bear if they continue to demand farmworkers’ labor while denying them protection, care and dignity.

En español: El Comité comenzó formalmente en abril de 2000 para defender los derechos y exponer las necesidades de las comunidades de inmigrantes en el estado de Washington. La mayoría de los miembros de El Comité son inmigrantes latinos y uno de los énfasis iniciales era de lograr una reforma migratoria integral que se centrara en proteger y garantizar los derechos laborales, civiles y humanos para todos los trabajadores inmigrantes y hacer cumplir el sueño de justicia social.

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