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Base public policy on honest science

The July 2018 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” helps us and our society understand how science works – and helps us push governments for smart and wise public policies based on honest science.

In modern America, honest science is being attacked by gigantic business corporations in order to corrupt all levels of government so our government will serve those gigantic business corporations instead of serving truth and the broad public interest.  Also, other rigid ideological forces are attacking honest science for their own selfish purposes.

One of the most important human values is respect for truth.  In the current political climate, that is gone.  Trump lies and gets away with it.  His political appointees deny scientific truth and get away with it.  They erase truth – honest facts – from agency documents and websites.  Just like in Orwell’s 1984, truth is being destroyed in order to manipulate and control us.

Science is at extreme risk – especially in this age of Trumpism, “alternative facts,” climate denialism, and out-of-control capitalism.

In order to protect our nation and ourselves, we need to understand, protect and support honest science.  The July 2018 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” interviews two professional scientists.  Sarah Cabbage and Ann Heitkemper have advanced degrees in scientific fields.  Both have been teaching at the college level, and both are vigorous advocates for public policy based on honest science.

The end of the blog post (see below) lists many excellent articles and non-profit organizations that will inform you and help you advocate for honest science in shaping public policy.

Watch powerfully insightful and important TV programs through your computer or on TCTV.

Everyone everywhere can watch this interview – and/or read a thorough summary of what we said – through the “TV Programs” part of my blog,  Each program is also posted to one or more categories listed on the blog.

Cable TV subscribers in Thurston County can watch this interview on Thurston Community Television (TCTV) three times a week throughout the entire month:  every Monday at 1:30 pm, every Wednesday at 5:00 pm, and every Thursday at 9:00 pm.

Questions?  Contact Glen Anderson, the TV series’ producer/host at (360) 491-9093


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