My name is Glen Anderson. I have lived in Lacey for 41 years.
During all these 41 years I have never heard of a Lacey City Council member saying anything so ignorant – so mean-spirited – as what Jason Hearn said about Muslims.
The people of Lacey are better than that.
Nationwide, hate speech has provoked hate crimes. We do not want to provoke hate crimes in Lacey.
When an employer allows racist or sexist or other biased speech or behavior to pollute the working environment, the law says that the employer has created “a hostile work environment.”
When Jason Hearn publicized his anti-Islamic opinions he created “a hostile civic environment.”
Even if he did this as a private individual and not in his official capacity as a City Council member, he has seriously hurt our community. He must be held accountable for the damage he caused.
I call upon the Lacey City Council to explicitly and publicly rebuke Jason Hearn’s behavior.
I call upon the Lacey City Council to publicly affirm respect for all religions and respect for all of the other
kinds of demographic groups to which our people belong.
I call upon Jason Hearn to publicly apologize for his behavior and to resign from the Lacey City Council.
All people are one human family! We are all in this together!
Thank you.
–Glen Anderson, Lacey