We see that sparks of hope are igniting against this war which is the same around the world. From distant geographies we turn toward each other, toward the struggle for life, which forms a language through which we recognize one another.
From all of us at School for Chiapas, we wish you health and happiness, courage and resilience for the year to come. And we hope that we can all turn to the wisdom and diligent work of the Zapatista communities for inspiration and guidance as we continue to work in our neighborhoods and communities.
We are grateful for contributions to our work, support for solidarity economies, and for ongoing commitment to the struggle for life with dignity for all, and a world where many worlds fit.
Schools for Chiapas came out of Grass Roots Events, Inc., as an effort to raise funds and support the construction of schools in autonomous Mayan communities in Mexico. Today Mayan children and adults throughout Chiapas work and learn in community-run, Zapatista centers that promote indigenous languages and traditions, while charting an independent path for indigenous development based on dignity, democracy, and justice. These Zapatista programs focus on education for literacy, education for health, education for ecological agriculture and women’s empowerment.
To learn more, visit Schools for Chiapas.
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