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About This Issue – February 2019

For February, we invited stories that might speak to the idea of a rural/urban divide. So we have a visit to Rochester, a look at water which of course knows no real boundaries, checking in on the “rural” side of the moon, an idea of how jobs and the environment can be compatible in Grays Harbor County, a reminder that indigenous tribes who never ceded the title to their remote areas are threatened by fossil fuel zealots, and a report on how a small town in Oregon stepped up to fix a problem.

Theme for March:

Justice in all its dimensions. The multi-faceted and omni-present criminal justice system is the most concrete and consequential manifestation of what justice means in material terms in the US.

Yet concepts of justice float in and out of political consciousness in many ways. At a national level we are witness to ongoing debates about procedural justice: who has to follow what set of rules, and why, and when don’t they apply?


Debates about whether to sharply increase tax rates on earnings of over ten million dollars, or to tax capital gains in the same way that income might be taxed, rest

on beliefs about justice—about whether we as a state or country have an obligation to ensure, as Martha Nussbaum puts it, a threshold of real opportunity to all citizens.

Justice threads its way through debates about how we respond to climate change—whose problem is it when the level of the sea rises? Weigh in with your ideas and stories. The deadline for the March issue is February 17.

Upcoming themes

April: the food issue! Production, consumption, transformation.

May: International Workers’ Day and the evolution of work.


In September of last year, President Trump made a major…