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Special events

International Workers Day Celebration

May 1, 3-7PM at Sylvester Park

Remember past victories and current struggles! Free. Picnic food; speakers from workers’ organizations; music from the Citizens Band. Also a Critical Mass bike ride. 

Neighbors for Immigrant Rights March

Friday, May 4, 4-7pm, Shelton, WA

4:00 – Gather at Loop Field, 1020 W Franklin St 98584

March with families peacefully through downtown to Kneeland Park.  Music and speakers, food truck and fun! Wear orange in solidarity and bring signs of support! Organized by

Potluck Dinner with friends from our Sister City, Santo Tomás in Nicaragua

May 4th 6:30pm.  Abigail Stuart House 1002 Washington St. SW 

Celebrating 20 years of sister schools with food, poetry, and dancing.  Email if questions. 

Workshop:  New to Gardening in the Pacific Northwest

May 5, 10 to 12 at the Olympia  Center

Overview of essential ways gardening in the Pacific Northwest may be different and what to do to enjoy success in our maritime climate.  New ideas, tips and handouts.  Free, no registration needed.  WSU Extension program.  Contact Cori Carlton at

6th Annual Plant Sale for our Sister City, Santo Tomás.  

May 5th, 9am to 3pm, 117 Thomas Street NW (between Harrison & 4th) on the Westside

Fundraiser for college scholarships in Santo Tomás.  Locally-grown vegetable starts, tomato plants, strawberries and raspberry canes, native and non-native perennials, etc.

Native Plant Salvage Foundation Spring Plant Sale

Sunday, May 6, 11 to 3, Thurston County Fairgrounds. 

Workshop on Legal Rights for the Salish Sea (LRSS)

Witches. Pagans and Cultural Appropriation, workshop

May 5, 2-4:30 PM at Radiance Herbs and Massage on 4th Ave. 

Guided discussion on pagan and witchy ethics, specifically related to cultural appropriation.  Includes social, historical, and cultural components.  $30.  To register, go to

Beethoven & Bernstein

May 5, 7:30 PM, at The Evergreen State College, Recital Hall. 

Celebrating the centennial birthday of composer/conductor Leonard Bernstein, with a selection of works by the composers he championed in his lifetime: Beethoven and Strauss.   Tickets $28 general, $45 premium, $10 students.  Tickets at

The Struggle to be Real: A Retreat with Author Mark Nepo

May 7-8 at Harmony Hill Retreat Center in Union, WA (35 miles from Olympia) 

Nepo explores how our hard work and authenticity ready us for meaning and grace. $500 commuter, more for overnight stays.  Contact 360-898-2363. 

Climate conversation

Wednesday, May 9, Olympia City Hall, 6:30–8:30pm

Lynn Helbrecht and Jessica Halofsky will speak on Species Shifts and Habitat Changes.

Evergreen’s Spring Arts and Crafts Fair

May 9, 11 to 4, at Evergreen State College, Cab Building. 

Support Olympia’s local artists, artisans, and craft makers.

Celebrating Mothers Day for Peace

Saturday, May 12th at Ground Zero Center, next to Bangor Trident nuclear submarine and weapons base. 

Full day event, including direct action at the base.  Go to  and navigate to the event. 

Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation Annual Gathering

Thursday, May 17th, at Traditions Cafe, 5th & Water St 7-9pm

Reflections on MLK50: Where Do We Go From Here?  Social time 7-7:30pm; program begins 7:30pm

Matt Young talks about his book Eat the Apple: A Memoir

May 17, 7 PM at Browsers Bookshop, 107 Capital Way N   

Eat the Apple is a daring, twisted, and darkly hilarious story of American youth and masculinity in an age of continuous war.  Free. 

Olympia Mountaineers Family Picnic

May 18 at 5:30 PM at Priest Point Park

Bring a dish to share and come ready to meet one another and play together. We will have activities for the kids and will discuss the fun plans we have for the youth this coming summer and fall. 

2018 South Sound Green Tour

May 19, from 11 to 5.  Around town 

Reviving a tradition in hiatus since 2012.  The Tour features homes and commercial sites around Olympia with sustainable elements of design, construction, and materials.  Free; registration required.  Go to and navigate to maps and registration. 

2018 Annual Conference on Ending Homelessness

May 22-23.  Pre-Conference Student Homelessness Training on May 21. Yakima

State & federal initiatives; how to provide direct services; how to organize, etc.  Sponsored by Washington Low Income Housing Alliance.  Register at; costs $295-375.  Contact Kate Baber at if questions.

Workshop:  Yard & Food Waste Composting

May 29, 10-11:30 AM.  Dirt Works Demon­stration Garden, on Alta Street off of Capital Mall Drive in West Oly. 

Learn how to turn yard waste and food scraps into rich soil.  Free, no registration needed.  WSU Extension program.  Contact:  Cori Carlton, or 360-867-2162. 

For late listings, visit our Facebook page!

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