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2024 Legislative Session Opportunities for Important Issues and Great Non-Profit Orgs

The Washington State Legislature will convene on Monday January 8, 2024, for the short even-year session (into early March). Sessions in odd-numbered years (after the even-year November elections) are longer. Important issues are dealt with every year.

A great number and variety of excellent non-profit organizations work on legislation every year. Here are some organizations you might want to reach out to. You can visit their websites and sign up to be notified by e-mail when good legislation needs your support – and when bad legislation needs your opposition. Washington State’s legislature is very user-friendly. You can reach legislators by telephone and e-mail. See much information at

These opportunities are listed in no particular sequence:

ACLU of Washington: works on a variety of legislative issues:

On Wednesday, January 24, 2024, the ACLU of Washington, partners from across the state, and community members who have been impacted by the criminal legal system will gather for our annual day of advocacy, and we hope you can join us.

We will bring our power and resources to Olympia to urge lawmakers to pass meaningful criminal legal system reform. This is an opportunity to learn about the legislative process and bills that impact communities, and most importantly, to have your voice heard! See this link — — to sign up for LOBBY DAY on WED JAN 24 and for related activities on MON-TUES JAN 22-23.

Universal Single-Payer Health Care: Health Care for All – Washington:

At 7:00 pm on Wednesday, January 10, we’re going to show you how to do it. Join HCFA-WA’s 2nd Wednesday Speaker Series as we tell you how to “Participate in the 2024 Legislative Session.” Our committee members will get you up-to-date on our 2024 legislative agenda. We’ll show you how to send a message to elected officials. We’ll instruct you how to record your position on a bill and even how to testify in writing or as part of a hearing-and much more. We agree with Thom Hartmann that democracy is NOT a spectator sport! You want to get involved; we’re going to show you how! Join HCFA-WA for the WED JAN 10 7:00 pm session on Zoom. RSVP by clicking here:

Statewide Poverty Action Network’s annual lobby day on MLK holiday MON JAN 15:

MON JAN 15, 9 am, at The Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St NW, Olympia, WA 98501

Join us this lobby day to: (1) Build your story-telling and advocacy skills; (2) Connect with other community members who share our vision for change; (3) Share your story directly with your state legislators.

MLK Lobby Day is a free event. You do not need to pay for tickets.

Register here:

Economic Justice! Washington Community Action Network’s Lobby Day:

For a good number of years, WashingtonCAN has been lobbying state legislators for a variety of economic justice issues. 2024’s Lobby Day will occur on MON JAN 15 (MLK holiday). WashingtonCAN will provide food, childcare, virtual training, and the materials needed to become a grassroots lobbyist!

Meet at the Washington State Labor Council (AFL-CIO) office at 906 Columbia St SW, (Second Floor), Olympia. Meet at 11:15 a.m. Registration and training run from 11:20 to 11:55 a.m. Meet with legislators from 12:15 to 4:00. Gather for an ending meetup at 4:30. Register:

Children’s Alliance has a 2024 Legislative Agenda and THURS FEB 15 Lobby Day:

The 2024 legislative session offers a great opportunity to move forward progress for kids and progress toward ending racism. The Children’s Alliance’s 2024 legislative agenda highlights policy priorities in our three key issue areas: early learning, health equity and economic justice. See it at the Children’s Alliance’s website: Sign up for their Lobby Day on THURS FEB 15.

Earth Ministry helps people of faith to work for the environment and climate:

See their 2024 WA state legislative priorities here:

Ranked-Choice Voting would strengthen democracy. Support RCV at the Legislature:

FairVote Washington is organizing their lobby day for WED JAN 17.

Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV) would empower voters, diversify our elected officials, reduce negative campaigning, and strengthen democracy in other ways. The organizers urge you to convince legislators to pass the Washington VOICES Act. Watch this solidly informative video about why RCV is important:

See more information at

Olympia Indivisible: Progressive politics:

Mobilize for Democracy! This meeting is free and open to all OI members AND to the public.

When: Monday, Jan. 15, 2024 (MLK Jr. Day), 1-3pm (doors open at 12:30, please come early)

Where: St. John’s Episcopal Church 114, 20th Ave. SE Olympia 98501

Find out how together we can: (1) Keep the White House; (2) Hold the Senate; (3) Flip the US House; (4) Win key Washington county, state, and federal races. Register:

Indivisible invites you to take action during the 2024 WA State Legislative Session:

The Washington Legislative Session starts on MON JAN 8. In just a few minutes per day you can support/oppose bills, track changes, and send pre-written emails to your senator and representatives. Use Indivisible’s Take Action Network (TAN), which is empowering and easy to use. Get information from one of Kevin Leja’s short seminars on Zoom:

Use these links to sign up with one of Kevin’s upcoming training sessions:

Urge WA legislators to create an agency to provide jail oversight:

A statewide panel wants the agency to set and enforce standards and push for closure of jails where the safety of those in custody is at risk. See information here:

Since the late 1960s Glen Anderson has devoted his life to working as a volunteer for peace, nonviolence, social justice, and progressive political issues.  He has lived in Lacey since 1975. You can reach him at (360) 491-9093 You can see information and resources on a wide variety of issues at his blog,

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To…