The Third Annual South Sound Climate Action Convention returns in 2018 for another energized, educational and thoughtful program to share with community members interested in taking action on climate. The Convention will be held Saturday, April 14th from 9:30 am to 5 pm at the South Puget Sound Community College.
This year’s convention will be the kickoff for a project that Thurston Climate Action Team, in partnership with several local organizations, is launching, with help from a generous foundation grant, to support communication, collaboration and coordination among local climate change efforts.
The Convention will also highlight some of the solutions found in the book, Drawdown, The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming, edited by Paul Hawken. These solutions were assembled from a broad coalition of researchers, scientists, and other credible groups of citizens to provide the most effective solutions to global warming that are already in place and in doing so, describes their beneficial financial, social and environmental impact. The Convention will address seven of the top ten solutions including: wind, food waste, plant-rich diet, educating girls, family planning, solar farms, and rooftop solar.
There are student scholarships and discounted registrations for those who would like to volunteer their time at the Convention. To register or to get more information on scholarships and volunteering, visit
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