This month’s interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” will inform, inspire and motivate us to urge local our governments to do a better job of protecting the environment.
People everywhere really do care about the environment, but environmental problems persist all the way from the global level down to the local level. This interview will help community members understand why local governments often fail to protect the environment – and how citizens can be more effective in urging them to protect it. It is possible to think globally and act locally.
Three knowledgeable, insightful guests — Cindy Beckett, Tye Menser, and Helen Wheatley — will help us explore this topic, drawing upon their vast knowledge and experience to explain things clearly. Our expert guests will help us understand the difficult problems and inspire us to solve them.
The environmental movement was strong in the late 1960s and the 1970s, so we got governments to pass strong laws that are still useful. But some realities have moved beyond the realities of half a century ago, so we need strong new laws to further protect the environment from the more deeply understood problems and the new dangers.
Our guests will explain several reasons why governments are failing to adequately enforce laws and regulations. For instance, many specific sites are complicated by overlapping jurisdictions and fragmented responsibilities, so it’s hard to get various parts of government to accept responsibility. Also, most elected officials and planning department staffs and hearings examiners do not understand the relevant science deeply enough to make informed decisions. Furthermore, real estate developers carry too much weight.
As with other problems, grassroots people-power is a great remedy. We need to learn the laws, the science, and the procedures, and we need to mobilize people to solve the problems. Yes, ordinary people can indeed study the laws and regulations and learn how to push back to protect their local streams, wetlands, and other sensitive areas. Our guests shared several inspiring examples.
Watch through your computer or on TCTV
Everyone everywhere can watch this interview – and/or read a thorough summary of what we said – through the “TV Programs” part of my blog, Each program is also posted to one or more categories listed on the blog.
Cable TV subscribers in Thurston County can watch on Thurston Community Television (TCTV) every Monday at 1:30 pm, every Wednesday at 5:00 pm, and every Thursday at 9:00 pm.
Questions? Contact
Glen Anderson, the TV series’ producer/host at (360) 491-9093