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Index – April 2024

Local News Community Spotlight School Levies and Lacey’s Police Project Reflect Our Government’s Backwards Priorities Contaminated Sediment Remediation off West Bay Drive NW Local Community Rallies to Provide Safe Housing for Survivors of Police Violence Portrait of a Frog If We Can’t Protect Our Watershed, Let’s Give The Watershed The…

Community Spotlight – April 20 to May 31, 2024

Charles Mitchell and the Puget Sound Underground Railroad. Olympia Center—April 20. 1 pm. When 13 years old, Mitchell escaped enslavement in Olympia in 1860 by traveling by steamer from Olympia to Victoria, B. C. via the Puget Sound Underground Railroad. Author Dr. Lorraine McConaghy will offer an illustrated program followed…

Mixed News on Thurston County Docketing for Rezone Requests

In the March 2024 issue of WIP, Betsy Norton and Sue Danver published an article asking readers to comment on four proposed Thurston County items for the 2024-2025 Comprehensive Plan Docket. In all four cases the landowners were requesting a rezone from Rural Residential/Resource (RRR) to Rural Resource Industrial (RRI)…

Stopping the Sale of Ivy

Whatcom Million Trees Project is leading an effort to prohibit the sale of ivy in Washington State. Their petition to the Washington State Department of Agriculture can be found at If thousands sign the petition, the WSDA board may add ivy to the WSDA Prohibited Plants and Seeds List…

Goodbye to the Wildland Urban Interface Code – For a While!

Environmental groups like Black Hills Audubon Society, Restoring Earth Connections and Whatcom Million Trees were overjoyed when on March 15, 2024, Governor Inslee signed into law ESB 6120, “concerning wildland urban interface”. The new law requires property owners to use ignition-resistant materials and methods for new and existing residences if…

Portrait of a Frog

“The first thing you need to know. People hold the fate of Adams garden in their hands”, so said our tour guide. A drive through rural Thurston County took us past wet meadows, grazed fields, some ‘overgrown swamps’. At several stops, a verdant green landscape of grass and wetlands stretched…

A Christian Cry for Peace in Palestine

I participated in “The Stones Cry Out Solidarity Delegation from Palestine to Washington, D.C.” in March 2024. The delegation included twenty-three American Christians from twelve different denominations across the United States. Although most were pastors, I am a layperson. The first act of love is to listen, so in Palestine…

Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes

(Click on images to view full-size) Originally published by the War Resisters League. For more information on War Tax Resistance, visit