Our purpose
The aim of WIP is to confront injustice and encourage a participatory democracy based on justice in the economic, social, and environmental realms and across races and genders. WIP does this in part by providing a voice for those most affected by systems of inequity and the exclusionary practices that seek to silence the victims of injustice and the powerless.
Guidelines for writing for WIP
Our priority is to focus on stories that are ignored or misrepresented in the mainstream media. To this end, we seek well-researched news stories, serious analyses of issues confronting our communities and accounts of personal experiences or reflections by local authors. We also consider poetry, graphics, cartoons and articles that challenge conventional journalism.
We discourage writing where a key point is stated as fact when it is unproven or in serious dispute. Once we receive a submission, we may choose to publish it or not. Articles that relate to the theme will have preference , but other topics are also welcome, as usual. Editing that extends beyond that needed for clarity will be reviewed with the author.
Theme for the November issue:
Punching Back [e.g., unlikely alliances; counter-messaging, understanding the roots of hate, individuals and groups, identities, organizing and resistance…]
Submissions should:
- Offer a unique progressive perspective
- Appeal to local and regional readers
- Range between 750-1200 words
- Be sent as an email attachment in word (see formatting specs at www.olywip.org)
- Include a one- or two-line bio of the author
- Include an email address for contacts if you wish
Send submissions to Olywip@gmail.com with the word “submission” in the subject line
Volunteer focus this month
WIP is actively looking for a Distribution Coordinator. The job of the WIP Distribution Coordinator takes a few hours of one’s time, (less than 4 – 5 hours a month) which can include a limited distribution route, or not. The time requirement falls mainly in the first few days of each month. The primary responsibility involves being available for our distribution crew if they’re going to be unable to do their routes, etc. The high-performance crew consists of Maggie who picks the papers up from the printer in Centralia, and several others who distribute to businesses, kiosks and stands in Thurston, Lewis and Mason Counties. Ideally, a new Distribution Coordinator would make sure existing locations are functioning well, and spend some time seeking out new locations for WIP. Currently, we distribute 2500+ papers to 50-60 locations each month. If you are self-directed and respectful of colleagues; able to make a one year commitment; and want to be part of a durable and unique community, contact us at olywip@gmail.com. We’ll sit down with you and tell you all our secrets. Most of them, anyway.
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