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Where no one is an outcast

[J. Glen Evans is a former stockbroker and investment banker, who after 20 years went back to his early childhood dream of being a writer. He became a poet, novelist, historian and political activist. After reading the book, The One Straw Revolution and then writing the novel Wayfarers–Where No One is an Outcast, he was inspired to turn fiction into reality by following the action of the characters in the book.]

A new nonprofit corporation has been formed with the intent to help the homeless and others make a fresh start and to bring prosperity back to smaller rural communities. This may solve current survival problems and at the same time, rebuild our worn-out agricultural land.

The corporation is Glenn Kay Evans Farms, Inc., which I started as a tax-exempt non-profit Oklahoma corporation (“Glenn Kay”) with a 30-acre tract of land two miles south of Wewoka, Oklahoma. Two others have joined me as directors of the corporation: Thomas Hubbard, a Cherokee Indian and former teacher on the Tulalip Indian reservation in Washington State; and Bernie Meyer, who is better known internationally as the American Gandhi.

The plan is to rebuild the soil by letting nature do its work with no-till farming procedures as called for by the Japanese farmer, Masanobu Fukuoka (1913-2008), author of the book The One–Straw Revolution. The idea is to grow your own food, harvest it, preserve it and feed yourself. What you don’t need, sell; what you don’t sell, give to the needy in your local community.

I just returned from a week-long trip to Oklahoma, staying on the property. We have added two new directors, Jesse Grandstaff, a local Oklahoma bank officer and Kerry Kincade. Both men are active organic farmers in the community. While there I also met with several others who promised support: Wewoka mayor Paige Sherry, Dennis Phillips, president of the Wewoka Industrial Authority, Stu Phillips, editor and publisher of the local newspaper, and Bryan Cain, president of the largest three-branch local bank.

Glenn Kay Evans Farms believes very strongly that local communities should get to where they can feed themselves. We envision raising money to acquire more land and make it available to independent farmers at a cost they can easily afford. This would produce more independent farmers who will be an asset to their communities. On the recent visit, I made arrangements to acquire two mobile homes, a 12×60 and a 12×50 to be moved to the property as temporary shelters, as well as arranging with a local nursery to plant and water 15 to 20 fruit trees for this fall. Glenn Kay plans to create a cultural atmosphere of poetry, music and storytelling to self-entertain. By feeding people rather than animals, a small acreage can take care of a lot of people.

The first farm would have been located right here in Olympia, but land costs were $5,000 to $10,000 per acre. Instead, the land was acquired near my hometown in Oklahoma for $1100 an acre. Plans are to build shelters for families and a larger structure for a community center and barn for storage. Our hope is to make this a showplace that will inspire others to follow. After shelters are built, we will be well on our way to helping people rebuild the local communities. If you would like to give a helping hand, check out the website at www.glenn kay evans, presently under construction.

For more information, there are two interviews with J. Glenn Evans: with Tom Boyle And with Kevin Barrett Radio. Go to the interview: Under Synopsis, tap the arrow on the bar under the red colored 64kCF. Evans interview is in the second hour.


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