I am a victim of the system.
A system structured
To torture;
Wringing out my last ounce of dignity.
You’re a victim of the system.
You’re enthralled;
Wrapped in chains,
Pulling out and downsizing your humility.
Day after day after day: time runs away!
All of us see it fly,
Yet no one voices out
A demand to retain it.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
(Redundancy and repetition)
All of us conform
And no one thinks of changing it.
Graffiti on the street,
Let us know of the oppression.
Graffiti on the wall
Asks for revolution and organization.
Where do these rebels meet?
What happened to the uprisings,
Protests and outcries?
Where they all swallowed by globalization?
Indeed the system tells us we’re free
When we buy healthcare,
When we buy education,
When we buy our right to exist.
Would you not agree?
Every person chases the idea of fitting in
They are zombiefied and colonized,
Unwilling to resist.
Its demands are at its core:
To study for a printed diploma.
High School, College, University
PhDs, M.A.s and B.A.s
The horde of the bore
With white picket fences,
50’s pinup wives and
Bread winning husbands full of B.S.
What then? To retire? To Die?
Fifty, Sixty, Seventy, Eighty;
The decades pile up
Yet the empty contents evaporate.
The warning signs do not lie.
We see them as we travel
down the road, but we hide
Behind screens when we should retaliate
against the system: that cushiony nest,
that exaggerates and decapitates
our agitated lives
with pages bleached with regret.
The unrest becomes a pest,
Stench oozes from the walls
With hypocrisy and a twofaced dagger
That strives to slowly forget
the loneliness and the mistake
That was made
By listening to the abysmal society’s
Regulatory decadence;
Yet if it’s not too late to partake
In this fight and struggle,
Wake soon from your slumber
And voice out for justice, NOT SILENCE!
All who want it scream “Aye!”
As the rusted chains of that intangible
entity crumble beneath the wheels
of a revolutionary bus.
Realize and act on what you and I,
Together can achieve
Before the system and the structure
Swallows and forsakes us.
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