The April 2018 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” explores an important aspect of the climate crisis that has been largely neglected. If people pay attention to this aspect, we can protect the climate and also save ourselves from serious financial losses.
The climate crisis has forced the world to start significantly shifting away from coal and oil. We must shift away from all fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) much more rapidly in order to protect Planet Earth —and all of us—from catastrophic climate disruptions.
Sharply reducing our consumption of fossil fuels will financially hurt the fossil fuel companies. Many coal companies have already gone bankrupt. Oil and natural gas companies will soon follow. Smart investors have been selling their fossil fuel investments not so much because they’re concerned about the climate crisis, but much more because fossil fuel stocks and bonds have become risky investments that will crash soon.
This means serious risk for anyone who has invested in fossil fuel companies. Many individual investors, mutual funds, pension funds, non-profit organization endowment funds, and other investors in fossil fuel companies are at serious risk.
The April 2018 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” interviews two very knowledgeable guests who have been working on this: Donna Albert and Bourtai Hargrove. They and other persons including Glen Anderson, who hosted the interview, have been urging the Washington State Investment Board to protect teachers, state employees, and local government employees from the financial danger that the climate crisis causes for our pensions.
People anywhere can watch this April 2018 interview and/or read a thorough written summary of what we said. The summary ends with a list of many sources of information. Visit and click “TV Programs” or “Climate.” Look for this TV episode’s title, “Sell Off All Fossil Fuel Investments Now.”
Also, cable TV subscribers in Thurston County have 13 opportunities during April to watch it. It will air on TCTV cable channel 22 every Monday at 1:30 pm, every Wednesday at 5:00 pm, and every Thursday at 9:00 pm.
Questions? Contact the producer/host of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives,” Glen Anderson, at (360) 491-9093 or
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