You died under the knee
Of white revenge warlords
enforcing imaginary utopian
hopes and dreams with
The reality of racial capitalism.
Carrot on a stick, the
White capitalists lure.
Conscripting black
And white working masses.
Selling the false narrative,
Commodifying black and brown
Dreams in endless spirals.
Promising utopias unleashed
Across the human spectrum.
But at the last minute,
Getting the stick,
The old switcheroo.
Siren songs sung by elites
That promise equality and justice for all,
That recording’s old saw goes.
Round and round on the
Ghetto’s gritty precarity turntable.
Cutting and stroking white fear of
Black revenge with tall tales,
Including your liberal
sanctimonious ideas
Promoting calm and strategic
Rage forward with striding feet,
rebellion, negation,
Of white institutional racist capitalism’s
False and deadly utopia,
By any means necessary.
M Bean
June 2020
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