Have you walked into the
Empty graveyard
On division
Molly Nagin
Caterpillar and John Deere weapons of massacre
Have pilfered densely populated homeland
And will cover up
the evidence of the genocide
With our asphalt-laden excuses
To drive a car
to go to church.
But the forest is our church,
dear olympia unitarian universalist congregation,
You seem to have forgotten
the truth of your devotion,
The messages in the ocean,
Because we do not need
more boxes of classrooms
for kids to file into and out of
when this infinite moment
is our lesson plan
and the biodiverse planet
is our sources;
And the irony breaks my heart
That you would bulldoze the forest
In the name of our children’s future.
It’s a sacred experience
Becoming indigenous human walking amongst the plants
Have you forgotten your sensual and inherited purpose?
I have spent what feels like lifetimes
Staring into the empty graveyard
On division street.
And it invigorates primordial rage and grief within me
To watch god-loving social justice-fighting folk stand for homicide
And shrug the knowing that we’re here to protect and keep healthy
the Earth who
all, bottom line, that is our contract,
we get to be human as long as we respect that we are way more than that.
So please, everybody,
Take a breath with me.
Feel the tension
Of expanding a parking lot
For increased congregation
By sacrificing a wildland
When all living creatures are facing
Ecological disease.
Please every body
take a breath with me
And feel the tension
Of instigating the pogrom of the forests
In an effort to provide a future for our children
Whose children may not be able to breathe
Let alone receive a quality education.
I hear that it took three years to make this decision,
That it took many conversations.
So I know that you tried to do the best thing,
that at least you didn’t eradicate the wetland,
But whenever I walk along division
I may forever remember that the forest once lived here
And the crows and the bees and the ferns and the cedar trees
And the owls and the mushrooms and the worms and all the creatures
Once thrived here
And where did they go?
Where did they go?
You hired Caterpillar to dispose of the bodies
And maybe they are going to build more condos
On Mudbay Road.
I ask that you acknowledge your mistake
And pay some respect to our home.
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