- Hang out with us! You’re welcome to come to any of our monthly potlucks in 2018. Our multigenerational community potlucks for LGBTQ+ folks and allies have definitely been a highlight of 2017: it has been great to feast, share food, and learn from discussion with community members of all ages about a wide range of issues, from the somewhat silly (“what superpower do you most want?”) to the very serious, such as racism in the LGBTQ+ community.
- Learn about the needs of LGBTQ+ youth in our community, and get to know Stonewall Youth’s work. This newsletter tells you some of the highlights of our year at Stone
wallYouth, and suggests some ways you can support LGBTQ+ youth in our communities. - Participate in our work by volunteering, getting involved in our Capital Campaign, and/or donating to support our vital programs for LGBTQ+ youth in 2018.
2017 has been a phenomenal year for Stonewall Youth! We provided our usual dazzling array of ongoing weekly programs: support groups; art and writing programs; drop-in hours three days/week; leadership, educational and professional development; social change projects; mentorship, advocacy, and much more. New programs including weekly Music Drop-ins for youth to jam on our large collection of instruments, and we also hosted a series of music workshops, along with our regular writing and art programs. As you’ll read below, youth leadership continued to expand at Stonewall Youth, and we had two sessions of Glitter Camp.
Oh, and we also moved this year! We love our new building, and launched a Capital Campaign to purchase it to serve as our HQ and to be an LGBTQ+ community center and workspace for other social justice organizations. Currently, we have a Lease to Own agreement with the owner, and are on track to sign a Purchase Agreement with the owner by the end of this month. We’ve already raised more than $100,000 towards the purchase! You can find out more below and at our Campaign website: Trans & Queer Generations.
Stonewall Youth continued to collaborate with statewide organizations this year to fight for the basic rights and safety of trans people, opposing legislation and Initiative 1152, which would have blocked trans people from using bathrooms, locker rooms, shelters for homeless people, and other facilities appropriate to their gender identity. Thanks to the dedicated labor of those of us who opposed I-1152, it was finally defeated. But as you’ll read below, the struggle continues.
For 26 years, Stonewall Youth has supported LGBTQ+ youth to survive, thrive, and build sustainable lives. We provide a safe, sober, and supportive space for LGBTQ+ youth to talk about their experience, make friends, make art and music, build job and personal skills, and to get the support, referrals, knowledge, confidence, and mentorship that assist them to successfully navigate the struggles they face. This year, about 450 youth from Thurston, Mason and Lewis Counties participated in Stonewall Youth activities.
Stonewall Youth depends on folks like you to support the critical work we do for LGBTQ+ youth in our community: we can’t do it without you! Please consider making a donation. It’s tax deductible. info@stonewallyouth.org
We wish you all the best in the new year! Take good care of yourself. Thanks for for being you.
Lili, Isabelle, Jax, Masa & Bryn
Stonewall Youth Staff Collective
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