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Posts published in “–”

Whizzing past public process: Will Kaiser Woods become a playground for mountain bikers?

“Developments never die. They just come back in another form.”   Andy McMillan In March I received a postcard from the Olympia Parks and Recreation Department announcing its plan to develop the 68.67 acre forested natural area above our neighborhood as a “dedicated mountain bike park.” This is how many Westbrook…

Relation of Progressives to the Democratic Party

Donald Trump is not simply the worst President in recent history—he is systematically bringing about fascism. For a detailed exposition on this, please see ‘Neo-Fascism in the White House’ in the April 2017 issue of Monthly Review and Trump in the White House: Tragedy and Farce (Monthly Review Press, 2017), both by John Bellamy Foster.

Houselessness, human dignity, and the right to survive

The July 2019 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” series. provides  information and insights about the growing number of people who do not have reliable places to live. Two savvy guests – Jamie Joy and Tye Gundel – take a fresh look at problems and solutions related to homelessness.  (We explain…

Stand up and be counted

On Saturday, June 15, 168 community members came together in downtown Olympia to call for the initiation of the impeachment inquiry process.  Olympia Indivisible, Puget Sound Communities4Impeachment, and local members of ByThePeople hosted this event.  It was part of a National Day of Action called for by Indivisible, MoveOn, ByThePeople…

Introducing the Port of Olympia

This is the first of a regular column on recent activities at the Port of Olympia. Its purpose is to offer information and ask questions about Port operations with the hope that informed public input will help guide the Port to fulfill its mission....

High Voltage Women: Freedom is a Constant Struggle

Ellie Belew’s book High Voltage Women: Breaking Barriers at Seattle City Light (Red Letter Press, 2019) is a major feat of researching, organizing and writing what is very complicated information.  It is also an inspiring Pacific Northwest story that is an illustration of the song “Freedom is a Constant Struggle.”…

“I am the master of my fate” — and the fate of “the other”

A state that deprives some people of equal rights and privileges can not call itself an egalitarian, democratic state.  Yet we’re taught that a commitment to equal rights and democracy is exactly what makes the United States “exceptional.” So the dissonance between the practices of exclusion that were defining aspects…

Settling in with Anatolian Muslims

Reflections on community and contemplation: Ever since the attacks of September, 2001, we Americans have been subjected to a relentless barrage of news, analyses, studies, and reports about terrorism. In light of recent terrorist incidents in Europe as well as our homeland, we are tempted to conclude that Islam itself is somehow to blame...

“We can do more together than alone”

As WIP is going to press, Ziegler and her team are completing the Lacey Food Bank community art project. Concrete is poured and the stencils described below to be incorporated into the sidewalk. Make time for a visit to the bank at 7027 Martin Way in July....

Community Sustaining Fund

An independent entirely community-created entity: Do you ever “round up” for the Community Sustaining Fund (CSF) when making a purchase at the Olympia Food Co-op (OFC)?  The spare change left when you round up to the next whole dollar, instead of jingling in your pocket, adds up to become sustaining fund grants, and an opportunity for social, environmental and economic justice projects....


Don’t Congregate Don’t Elaborate Individuate Just to Placate the State of Quo.   Your Boss, Health, Gender, Sex, History Privatize it Individuate it all in the the State of Quo.   Go Deep Disappear within It’s all Toxic and the Air is Thin Individuate. It’s the Only Win In the…

Special events – July 2019

Pier Peer at Boston Harbor Marina… Love letters from the end of the World…. Green Party of South Puget Sound candidate picnic… Bridge Music Project Dance Contest!... Edible weeds… Caught in the Act”…. Community Expo and Street Fair… Bridge Music Project concert on the Isthmus… Paddle to Lummi 2019… GRuB Carnival!...

Worth re-tweeting

On June 17, 2019 (as though she knew it was the WIP  theme for July) Caitlin Johnston @caitoz tweeted: “Rugged individualism will not save humanity from the crises it faces. We only win this thing as a collective. The trouble is that malignant manipulators hijack our healthy impulse to move…

25 years of Real Change

Seattle’s street paper embeds its vendors in a caring community Tim Harris founded and is the Executive Director of Real Change, a weekly progressive street newspaper based in Seattle, Washington. He was interviewed by Matt Crichton this May. Matt Crichton: Why did you start Real Change? Tim Harris: I started…

How Amazon and Boeing ate Seattle

When Amazon unleashed its bidding war for a second headquarters, more than 200 cities offered mind-blowing sums of money to lure the e-commerce giant. Crystal City in Virginia “won” at a cost of $23 million in perks, on top of $75 million more from the state. “Loser” Long Island City…

Blessed always with a safety net

I don’t remember when my parents were kicked out of their apartment. I was one, my older brother was two, and a younger brother was just born. The landlord told my parents that he can’t have three little kids in his apartment. We moved in with my grandparents for three…

Moms like me need tax relief and an economy that works for us

In my family, we shake our heads when we read about the booming economy. My husband works as a merchandiser and we have an amazing 19-month-old son. I’m a stay-at-home mom, because we can’t afford childcare. In this supposedly booming economy, we find ourselves struggling every month just to cover…

Special Events – June 2019

PFLAG Olympia Garage Sale... Olympia Climate Action.... National Gun Violence Awareness Day... “Mission Impact: Our Collective Future”... Bat Walk... Garden Gala... Progressive Candidate Forum... Jacobin Reading Group... Hispanic Roundtable Community Summit... StoryOly... Capital City Pride Parade and Festival 2019... SURJ Annual Potluck... IWW 114th Birthday Party... Mycorestoration/Saving the Bees...